Saturday, April 10, 2010


This week was an awesome week, i got to know God more than I ever before. Without any expectations, I went for Planet Shakers Conference 20TEN and it was a decision I would never regret. If I am used to be who I am , I would perhaps hesitate and recheck my schedule over and over again to see... if I have a time slot. But NO ! not this time..It was amazing,original and more importantly, it shifted my perspective about certain things in life.

I have always been very outspoken, and sometimes, having not processed my words through my brain or filter it in my mouth, words spoken may sometime hurt others. However, this problem spoke to me lately and I have thought alot about it and about judging others...I realised that I was in fact not as good as I perceived.

There a lot of things which goes about one's mind and heart that you fail to seek on the surface. Having encounter a similar situation with a new friend, I definitely fully comprehend the impact and realised how everyone is not what they seem on the outside. IN this case, i meant only the good way. A person may seem quiet and expressionless most of the time, but in their minds, you would be amazing to find out the amount of thoughts that run through, the things which goes about in their lives...

It is simply amazing to have known some one like that but ... at times, I can't help feeling small and useless.

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