Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Again, history repeats itself... I always proscrastinate when it comes to blogging...
Life has been nothing but work.. work and some more work. VERY SAD CASE! I keep telling myself to get a life.

BUt... holidays are coming. I of all person, should be ecstatic and crazy about it. and I AM.
Friday - PAck UP. I think I'll have 3 luggages. Ooo..awfully alot.
Saturday- A day at the beach under the sun
Sunday - I am off to BRight!! CAn't wait to get myself all energised up for mountain climbing , hiking, and hopefully--- skiing!!!

Ooo.. I seriously can't wait in fact these few days I have been slacking a lot. NOt very good because I have an assignment due tomorrow and I am ony half way through. and I am still blogging. =)

Nothing exceptionally interesting had happened since the mexican night except for IH's student body's AGM. Tensions and politics were everywhere. I was no where to be seated among them..... but it was a real period of thoughts and consultation and more thinking and more considering as I was also interested for position. The outcome was not very much to my surprise but it was ever the more joyous to me.

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